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Book Now With - exotic tattoo nyc

Fill Out The Form Below


Basic Information

Get started by filling out some basic contact information.





Note: Your privacy is very important to us. To better serve you, the form information you enter is recorded in real time.

m a y a n

I am a least 18 years old. I do not have any heart condition. (I am not pregnant at this time.) I do not have epilepsy. I have not had hepatitis within the last year. I do not carry HIV virus. I am not Hemophiliac (bleeder) I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


to My Knowledge, I do to have physical. mental or medical impairment or disability which might affect my well being  as a direct or indirect result of my decision to have any tattoo related or piercing work done at this time.


I agree to follow all the instruction concerning the care of my tattoo and or  piercing while is healing. I agree that any

touch-up work needed after 45 days will be done by my own expense due my negligence. I understand that if my skin color is dark the color will not appear as bright as they do on light skin


being sound mind and body, here by release any and all person representing any MAYAN artist of any responsability myself for any consequences that might stem from any decision to have any tattoo related and or piercing work done by any MAYAN artist.

I agree not to sue MAYAN in connection with any damages. claims demands rights and causes of action whatever kind of nature, based upon injuries or property damage artist from any decision to have tattoo related  and or piercing work done at this time , whether or not caused by any negligence of any MAYAN artist's

I agree for myself, my heirs assigns, and legal representatives to hold MAYAN artist's harmless from damages, actions causes of coactions, claims judgments, costs, cost of litigation, attorney's fees  and all other costs and  expenses wich might arise from any decision  to any tattoo related and or piercing work done by any MAYAN artist's.

I agree to pay for any and all damages and injuries to any and all persons and property belonging to any MAYAN artist's or any other person to whom representing any MAYAN artist's may become liable contractually  or by operation of law, causes by, or resulting from any decision to any tattoo related and or piercing work done by any MAYAN artist's

I agree to let any MAYAN artist's use my photo and my video on their monitor in the front display window and their website and  or any media for their publicity and represent their work . I am fully aware of this and I have read all of the above.

I agree to leave the premises of any MAYAN artist's or any establishment were any MAYAN artist's in any place  that is dedicated to realize its art. promptly upon request, for any reason whatsoever, by any agent or any person representing any MAYAN artist's

I agree these waivers also pertain to are designed to protect any and all person representing to any estabilishment of any MAYAN artist's

Photo ID

Thanks for submitting!

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